God is love, love is His character. God's love is unstoppable, nothing you do can stop Him from loving you. His unconditional love means He always wants the best for you. Even while you do not care, it is His character to pursue and bring you back into a relationship with Him. This is love. The void you have been trying to fill, the meaning you have been searching for is a God-shaped vacuum that only He can fill.
Desperate, frantic, searching with no answer ends in either despair or false apathy. Like searching for a lost treasure that you never find, you feel either crushed or you pretend it's the next treasure that will matter. Your searching will never end until you change your mind and believe in what I am saying. Stop running away, stop protesting, stop pretending. To God, you are the most important person in the world. No sin you have committed is great enough that He has not already died for, no hurt is deep enough that He has not borne. He patiently waits for you. He will not let up. He is ready to meet you where you are.
Disappointment is not an excuse. Disillusionment is a weak escape. Busyness is a farce. Fear never stopped greatness. What other reason may you have to not listen to God?
Human beings are created for the intangible. Fundamental to the being of humans is our affinity to the Eternal. By this I mean the forever desire for greater things, the lingering feeling that one is meant for something greater, higher, forever. These are there because you are created in the image and likeness of the Almighty God. You are meant for the eternal. Do not think far out there thoughts, this is not to be unreachable nor ambiguous. Quite simply, believe that this almighty, great, and everlasting God created you in His image and likeness and your purpose is to reflect all of who He is. Therefore, it will be to your best interest to quickly learn who this God is and discover what greatness you have been meant for.
Uncover His goodness.
Understand His righteousness.
Know His gentle and humble spirit.
Dwell on His wisdom.
Embrace His understanding.
Revere His holiness.
Drown in His love.
A runner does not run the race and stop before the finish line. Pick up where you will leave off, sustain the momentum. He is faithful even if we are not, for He can not deny Himself. He chose to die for you than give you up. He will always pick you up, always take you back, and always be after your best. He will never leave you and will never forget you. He gives you His word.
Even a tiny dot of belief in Him can change your life forever. It is not about what you feel anymore or what you have done or what the world has told you. All of your past has brought you to this present moment that you may decide for yourself that you would believe in who He is: the Almighty GOD who has done what none could -- the complete work to restore you to Him for eternity. Restored, when Jesus the Christ, the very image of the Almighty God, died on the cross, fulfilling all the requirements of the Law, and on the third day resurrected, overcoming death once and for all. Do you believe this?
If yes, then turn and become who He has intended you to be. Receive Him and be transferred from death unto eternal life.
If no, then I pray that God would help your unbelief. For it is only Unbelief that hinders you from experiencing pure joy and peace that is yours for eternity.
Get on track. Return to God.