Monday, November 29

Tuesday, May 18

Prism |<>| Worship

Oh! That my very existence would bring glory to God Most High!

Tuesday, February 23

Prism |<>| A Matter of Perspective

I have discovered that the key to eliminating a myopic vision in life is to keep our focus on the God of the universe.

Monday, February 22

Definition of Terms: Malice

"Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind." ~ 1 Peter 2:1

Malice. The mental state opposed to love.

The vices here are those which offend against the BROTHERLY LOVE inculcated above. Each succeeding one springs out of that which immediately precedes, so as to form a genealogy of the sins against love. Out of malice springs guile; out of guile, hypocrises (pretending to be what we are not, and not showing what we really are; the opposite of "love unfeigned," and "without dissimulation"); out of hypocrisies, envies of those to whom we think ourselves obliged to play the hypocrite; out of envies, evil-speaking, malicious, envious detraction of others. Guile is the permanent disposition; hypocrisies the acts flowing from it. The guileless knows no envy. Compare 1Pe 2:2, "sincere," Greek, "guileless." "Malice delights in another's hurt; envy pines at another's good; guile imparts duplicity to the heart; hypocrisy (flattery) imparts duplicity to the tongue; evil-speakings wound the character of another" [Augustine].

Prism |<>| 6 Myths About the Will of God

6 Myths about the Will of God that need to be destroyed:

1 - God's will gives you a roadmap for your life. >> God's will is not a roadmap, it is a relationship. The Israelites were not given a roadmap, they were given a pillar of cloud and fire.

2 - God is a celestial kill joy. >> Do not be afraid of the will of God. God is a good God, God loves you! (like parents to a child)

3 - God only has a will for a particular people. >> God has a will for every life, for each individual.

4 - When God shows you His will for your life, it will be a dramatic earth-shaking experience. >> 1Kings 19 - God is a still small voice. We do not always get an earthquake.

5 - God shows His will to young people but not to old people. >> We ought to seek God's will everyday of our life as we live whether young or old.

6 - God hides His will so that we can find it. >> God wants to reveal His will, show His will to us. The will of God finds us when we are walking in the Spirit.

*Summarized from Dr. Adrian Rogers' teaching