Sunday, March 30

Prism |<>| God's Surprises

I am amazed at the ways of God. How He loves to surprise His beloved children! :-) He delights us constantly. An unexpected rainbow when we glance up, a really cute puppy chasing after butterflies, an adorable toddler with curly red hair going down the slide backwards, a lone old man playing sweet music on a chinese string instrument in the quietness of a park.

He placed each of the billion stars in heaven at their exact place, and He knows each of them by name. He has known us even before we were formed in our mother's womb. And He knows what makes us happy and what are the innermost desires of our heart before we even think about it. What have been the surprises He has given you? Did you like it? Did you expect you would like it?

We feel love when we receive things that we don't expect nor deserve. The gift becomes more special. God doesn't have to shower us with surprises but because He loves us, He does. The greatest surprise He gave was unveiled 2,000 years ago. God's gift of His sending His Son, Jesus, just overwhelms me...because of how He planned it for centuries, that in every event and circumstance we see His deliberate timing & purpose. His plan for the surprise unfolding perfectly. To think of the effort, the patience, the planning...

This is the kind of lover that each of us always dreams of having...the love story that each of us wishes we have. The happiest thing is, we do have this lover and this is our love story! And it is, indeed, a privilege to be in a love relationship with a God full of surprises :-)

What a privilege to know You
Like I know You
To be loved like You love me
What an honor to worship, truly worship
From this heart that You have freed
From the rising of the sun
To the setting of the same
Every day, every day with You, Lord
Every day is sweeter than the day before
(from Sweeter, by Lakewood)

What a wonderful, wonderful, beautiful God we have. Thank you, Lord, for loving each of us in Your way.

Saturday, March 29

Prism |<>| Is It Ever Simple?

God asks from us simple things...but the things He asks for are not easy -- they are impossible.

Christians are not exempt from temptation, trials, disasters, disappointments nor problems. In this, we are the same as the entire human race. But in the face of all difficulty and struggles, Christians are asked to keep trusting, keep loving with all our hearts, minds, and souls.

Love our God, love our neighbors, and love even our enemies. Contrary to our human nature of self centeredness, we are called to express love, charity outwards. Is this easy to do 24/7, towards each and every person on this earth?

Giving, giving, giving until we have no more to give. Smiling, smiling, smiling even if there seems nothing to smile about. Thanking, thanking, thanking God for every blessing, trial, and disappointment.

Christianity gives people the proper perspective. We Christians know our place -- humbled on the ground with our faces raised in anticipation towards our loving and faithful Father.

Stupidity? Blind faith? NO. We know exactly WHO we have faith in! We know exactly how God showers blessings and delivers on His promises again and again and again to those who believe in Him. We know that our God does the impossible to give the best to His children. We know that our God is the only reason why and how we ourselves can accomplish the impossible.

To Christians, be reminded -- the Israelites and Joshua had to step into the moving waters of River Jordan to cross it before it dried up 40 minutes later. Remember the times we took the first step and how faithful the Lord has been. It's never easy, but the Lord makes our paths straight.

To not yet Christians, I pray that you would see the wonders of the living God and know it is Him knocking on the door of your heart. That longing, searching, wandering...fill it with Jesus.

The Lord bless you all and may His grace and love be with you.

Definition of Terms

prism (prĭz'm) n. A transparent body of this form, often of glass and usually with triangular ends, used for separating white light passed through it into a spectrum or for reflecting beams of light.

Metaphorically, a prism can refer to anything that is used to look at the world differently. Like rose-colored glasses, for instance. Or Christian spectacles in this case. :-)

Your Love is Better than Life

Your love is better than life
How could I tell the world about You

O Jesus, if I could be
Like the trees that always
    lift their arms up to praise You

Like the grass that each day
    kneel and give You glory
Like the birds that forever
    sing sweet songs to thank You

For Your love is better than Life!

Friday, March 28

Sing a New Song

when words and images come together...isn't it wonderful?

Definition of Terms

  • quickening of conscience
  • nourishment of the mind
  • purification of imagination
  • opening of the heart
  • submission of will

Wait upon the Lord

  • commune - focus turned intensely on God
  • quietly trusting
  • expecting and anticipating

As I Wait Upon the Lord

How do broken pieces fit
Together to be whole?
How does a reckless child
Return to his own home?

How could everyday be
A sweet song of joy?
How could every trial be
A blessing to make me strong?

As I wait upon the Lord
Through His amazing love
My heart sings
My Lord restores my soul

As I wait upon the Lord
Because of His faithfulness
He finds me
And carries me back home

You give me life
You give me peace
I praise Your faithfulness
I sing of Your mercy, Sovereign King!

You give me love
You give me joy
I praise Your faithfulness
I sing of Your glory, Lord, Jesus!
P3 available, by request (I don't know how to upload it)